Narcissist Bastard
I'm 17, living in a holed up box under the sewers of KL. This trashed up laptop I found is my only connection to the world outside.
That didn't really work, did it?

John Morgenstern

Walking Disasters

Look back!

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Speak Rattus Rattus

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Monday, 26 May 2008

err, *Croak. I don't think that's it, Cloak? Oh COOK!
Simon apologized to him before the results came in. THAT CHEATING!! HE SHOULDN'T!!!!!!
D Achibald, er,Arcuseptulla? No, um...oh! ARCHULETA!!!!!!!! *I had to Google his name to get it*
Yesterday was rotten, Memory Stick rotten. My cousin called and said that I could have the 4GB he borrowed me. And it's corrupt!! Actually, I left it in my jeans and forgot to take it out, so it's actually my fault. So I took a hammer and smashed that little black thing to tiny pieces. Actually, that isn't quite true. I was examining it noticed some part was unstuck somewhat.
John W.J.K

Saturday, 24 May 2008

500++ (w/o discount) (*w discount 468) WORTH OF BOOKS!! For my part, I bought Lirael, Abhorsen, Across the Wall, Picture of Dorian Grey, The Fire Thief, The Battle of the Labyrinth, The Magician's Guild, The Novice and The High Lord. I really hope that that will suffice for the holidays, or maybe longer.
I can't believe she published a book at 15!! That really sparked and flared up the flames of inspiration in me.
I digress, back to the book fair. The internet access there was like, 100%!! I couldn't stop myself from fishing out my P.S.P. I didn't care about those I've-never-seen-a-P.S.P-before!! freaks' eyeballs staring at me. So fast yet so slow.
So this morning, hah! The most interesting misunderstanding of all! I told some (or all?) of you about that "Holiday Opening Ceremony" right? Actually, it's HORLEY LINK OPENING CEREMONY. Hahahaa, that short-cut to the LRT. Freaking...forced me out of bed just to attend it. And I thought they were taking attendance too!
Thursday, exams OVER!!!
Friday, Teacher's Day.
Saturday, Popular Book Fest + lots and lots of shopping. Nearly 1k spent!
Theory about girls/women: These unique homo sapiens has legs which are not only long and sleek (forgive me if otherwise) but their legs are actually powered by the EYES! (not the brain) Once they see something they like, both in reality or in the imagination's eye, they will walk the Great Wall of China just to get it. And they don't get tired! They can walk for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and HOURS!
At least I looked like some guy model today. This kid told his mummy he wanted to dress like me! o.^
I have a lot to write actually, but my memory has failed me. And for some reason, my English is degrading too. Maybe it's all in the mind.
I smelt of 3 different kinds of perfume today! Probably because I mixed them together on my clothes excessively.
Sigh...I'll try to sleep, but I probably can't. Mother Inspiration hit me too hard.
John W.J.K
P.S: I love you? Hardly...
These are soo much more interesting.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

4 more to go!! Exams, I mean.
my PSP is finally BACK!! Tomorrow.
So I forgot to add a bit of descriptive writing. I TRIPLE killed while ice skating!! This girl was between 2 of her boyfriends (eww!! 2 timing!!) and I zoomed past her, my blades came in contact with hers' for a split second. Then a scream and when I turned around, all 3 were on the floor. xD
Then I saw this 20++ year old woman screaming for her mummy when she nearly fell. Then I nearly sliced off some kid's fingers! Her mum and friends were screaming! (yes, there has been a lot of screaming and it's an abomination to my ears)
So, Damage sustained yesterday:
1. Bleeding toe.
2. Torn skin.
3. Both legs cramped and in pain .(currently)
4. Cramped right shoulder.
5. Possible Loss of height.
6. Flu.
7. Slight fever.
8. Sore throat.
9. Cough.
10. Sprain.

If asked whether I would go ice skating again, my answer would be YES!!!
So miss panda eyes was supposed to have a rendezvous with me and Zheng. And yes, she came but we didn't recognize each other. When I saw her come in, some inner feeling in me had this feeling of recognition. I was staring at her and wondering where this feeling came about.
So after that, I came home and she started scolding me how she rushed there and waited for half and hour. Then I asked her what she was wearing. And her description fit exactly!! Right down to the yellow kanitas. (whatever THOSE are)
John W.J.K
P.S: I convinced her I was right across her with my elaborated (and avid) description of her and she admits she saw me but didn't say anything.

Monday, 19 May 2008

This is fun!

starting time 10.26pm

Name: John Wong Joon Kit

Sister/s: negative

Brother/s: 1

Shoe size: 10 MY

Height: Last measured 160 (Primary 6) Estimate 175++ now.

What are you wearing right now?
My feet. Oh, you mean clothes? Langkawi T-shirt and shorts.

Where do you live?
At home.


Drinks :Sprite, Ice lemon tea.

Months :March, November, December.

Favorite Breakfast:Fruit Loops!!

***********Have You Ever***********
Been in a hot tub: Obviously.

Swam in the ocean: Duh..

Fallen asleep in school:Of course! I'm a hardworking student!

Fell off your chair: Yes, sadly.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: NEVER! It'll be too scary.

Saved e-mails: Yes, thousands!

Been cheated on: My bro always cheats me.

***********What is************

What's right beside you?
Left or right?
Left, flower pot
Right, mouse.

What is the last thing you ate?
A grain of rice? Wait, that was before tofu. Or was it fish?

----------Ever Had----------

Chicken pox: yeah!! I still remember that one month ya know?

Sore throat: With the uttermost obviousity.

Stitches:NO! My blood vessels are too precious.

Broken nose: Yeah! Just a bit. Healed back anyways.

----------Do You------------------

Believe in love at first sight? at first chat, yes. Sight? no.

Like picnics?
With all the mozzies and bees? Yeah!


Who last made you smile?

Who did you last yell at?
The guy who nearly made me fall whist I was ice skating.

----------Final Questions-------------

What are you listening to right now?
Bits of a loading "Say Something Anyway by Bellefire" on YouTube.

What did you do today?
I nearly killed my 2 legs ice skating.

Hate someone in your family?

Good singer?
Him? NO. Oh, you mean me? Yeah!!

Diamond or pearl?
Diamond!! I'll never read "The Pearl by John Steinback" EVER AGAIN!

Are you the oldest?
Yes! The other way up.

Indoors or outdoors?
I'll stand between the door which separates these 2 environments.

------------Today did you--------------

Talk to someone you love?

Kiss anyone?

Get sick?
Flu and runny nose.

Talked to an ex:

Eat Dinner:
DUH! Dinner is the most delicious meal man has ever made.
------Last person who---------

You talked to on the phone?


Have a crush on someone?
YEAH! Lindsay Lohan before she became insane.

What books are you reading right now?
Gee, I have no idea. I need to buy more. REMINDER: BUY MORE BOOKS. 40 would suffice.

Best feelings in the world:
The feeling of victory.

Do u sleep with stuffed animals?
NO! Cuddles would NOT approve.

What's under your bed?
I'm sleeping upstairs nowadays bed?

Favorite locations:The Curve!! One Utama!!

Danced a slow dance with someone you didn't even like?
I never danced!

Who do you really hate?
My fish that died on me.

You lonely right now?
Nope! I have you!

What time is it now?

i took 20 minutes.

My friend told me that he saw me in Times Square. But I never went to Times Square today! I was in Sunway ice skating!
Kinda reminds me of when I was standard 2. The kid suddenly ran over to me and said something like "Wait here." Then I asked "Do I know you?" Then he said "What are you talking about? I just talked to you over there just now!" Then he ran off and I frigging didn't care and went to enjoy the rest of my recess.
And both my legs are GONE!
One is cramped and suffering from muscle pre-death and the other is bleeding, torn skinned and miserable.
But all in all, it's really fun! I fell once and that was only on the knees. 5 hours!!
Bro bought something for someone.
Dad went from Japan to Hawaii then to L.A and L.V. Next he's going to San Fransisco then New York then London then maybe Paris but the last destination is South Africa( eek)
P.S: I may have mixed the destinations a bit.
My aunt said I look EXACTLY like my dad! She said :" This boy really reminds me of *dad's name*!"
Then I gave her my trademark -blink blink-
And she said :"!! *Dad's name* also does that last time!! Your eyes look just like his!!"
I was crestfallen, my *now not so trademarky* trademark once belonged to my dad!!
Then I -blink blink- her again and she said :"What? You wanna chase an old woman with your seductive looks?"
I stopped my -blink blink- after that.
John W.J.K

Saturday, 17 May 2008

My pool is GREEN!
I mean, it started on Wednesday. Tuesday, it was crystal clear and stuff like that, then on Wednesday, it! Not your "mossy green" green. I mean SOLID green. So green that you can't even see the pool floor.
At least you can see a bit of the outline today.

I broke my "I make it a point to post everyday" oath.
Sweet, at least I won't be haunted by scary "ohcrumbs!iforgottoPOSTtoday!!" thoughts.
House of wax sucks, well, not actually "sucks."
I'm scared -blink-
I mean, gutting people and cutting off heads are okay but people getting turned into something else is so not cool.

So tired...nights!
John W.J.K

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Fm Static - Girl Of The Year
I met this girl who likes her heavy metal
She gets excited when Slipknot plays on Leno
She's a heck of a girl with no cares in the world
And she likes it that way

She wears black socks with pink stripes in'em
And she swears that her friend goes out with Richard Simmons
She's a one of a kind I can't get off my mind
And I like it that way

And if you listen closely you will hear them say...

Stand clear she's the girl of the year
And there's no use in trying to get her off my mind
Ahe stole my heart and she's tearing it apart
It's never gonna be the same

She's a love potion that plays with your emotions
A big swimmer that won't go near the ocean
And if everything's fine she'll get to work on time
And they like her that way

She wears black socks with pink stripes in 'em
And she swears that her friend goes out with Richard Simmons
She's a one of a kind I can't get off my mind
And I like it that way

And if you listen closely you will hear them say...

Stand clear she's the girl of the year
And there's no use in trying to get her off my mind
She stole my heart and she's tearing it apart
It's never gonna be the same

And now I'm taping myself together I'm taping
Myself together again now I'm taping
Myself together I'm taping myself together

And I wont let this happen again Ey-eh,
Hey-eh, Ey-e-yeah-e-yeah-eh, Eh-eh, Hey-eh,

Together again and again and again
Together again and again and again and again

Stand clear she's the girl of the year and
There's no use in trying to get her off my mind

She stole my heart and she's tearing it apart
She stole my heart and she's tearing it apart
She stole my heart and she's tearing it apart
She stole my heart and she's tearing it apart
Stole my heart and she's tearing it apart
It's never gonna be the same

Whoo!! PSP cam cam!! But too bad my PSP is still with my cousin):
Finally, the 3 toughest papers are history! B.M 1 & 2 and History.
I arm wrestled till my left hand was numb to the bone and my right unmovable. Hey! I fought a good fight! My left hand V.S 2 right hands. The result? Draw.
And my left was 80% numb then. And with whatever residue strength I had, I wrestled Juin Yao. He's left handed and so am I. And he was in full form wherelse I had about 20% left.
The results? Draw. Hah!
Unfortunately, my left became 150% number. (not the 123 number)
Science and Maths 1 and 2 tomorrow. After this, it's SO TOTALLY WHOO HOO!!
I had no idea what I was writing during my B.M 2 paper's sec D. I was supposed to write some long forgotten story's synopsis.

Guess what? I've been tagged.
Dumb dumb Janice(:
Seriously, I doubt I have 20 friends. And even if I HAD 20 friends, I doubt anyone of them has a blog. Maybe 1 or 2.

Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you've named the 20 people. At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.

1. Andy
2. Benjamin (NOT TIAN SOON)
3. Chatterbox Chee Leon
4. Chun Hong
5. Ding Neng
6. Dexter
7. Guo Bin
8. Isabella
9. Janice
10. Jae Son
11. Jian Ming
12. Jin Wu
13. Jian Ming
14. Janice!!
15. Kang Yao
16. Shirlene!!
17. Sai Men
18. Terence
19. Tuck Seng
20. Yi Heng

How did you meet 14[Janice]?
Through Shirlene(: I'm her swear convo(:

What would you do if you never met 1[Andy]?
I could live through, I guess.

What if 9[Joseph!!] and 20[Yi Heng] dated?
The world would end I guess.

Will 6[Dexter] and 17 [Sai Men] date?
I doubt that they're GAYS!

Describe 3[Chatterbox Chee Leon].
The MO NI TER BALLS!! He likes to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and well, talk!

When is the last time you spoke to 13[Jian Ming]?
Uh..Just now?

What is 2's[Benjamin (NOT TIAN SOON)] favourite band/singer?
Gee, I have no idea.

Would you ever date 4[Chun Hong]?
Are you KIDDING ME!?

Would you ever date 1[Andy]?
NO! What kind of guy do you think I am?!

Is 19[Tuck Seng] single?
He tried very hard not to be but...

What is 10's[Jae Son] last name?
Son, duhh.

Would you ever be in a relationship with 11[Jian Ming]?
The only relationship I'll ever have with him is a teacher and student relationship.

School of 3[Chatterbox Chee Leon ]?
MBS! Same class too.

Where does 6[Dexter] live?
SAN PENG!!! HAHAHAHHAHA!! (his aunt's name is Peng so it's a joke)

What is your favourite thing of 5[Ding Neng]?
His eternal knowledge about Sony Ericson and Nokia phones.

Have you ever seen 2[Benjamin (NOT TIAN SOON)] naked?
NO! Although he sometimes goes crazy and try to...

5 people to do this quiz...
1. Gee, can I retag you Janice? Guess not.
2. And Lene is doing it too.
3. Ding Neng doesn't have a blog):
4. Nor Yiheng
5. Or Jin Wu

The lower 6 batch just came in today!!! Whoo!!! My friends were all looking at the girls while I was studying. Then suddenly they all cheered and when I asked them why, they said one of them is super cute. Bah, like I care.
And my hols are on 24th May!! And Mr Wong wants us to come to school for teacher's day. No one cares, so he made this *fantastic* deal. 4 merits and free refreshments!!
Like I care. I just want the attendance.
John W.J.K

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

I don't know what's going wrong, I get these hair raising "almost late" situations. This time, I really thought I was going to be late. Woke up, the sky was nearly as bright as day. Traffic jams, police road blocks, ugh.. I jumped out of the car and ran!
Thank God I didn't get a stitch...
Okay, so , May 13, the day where the Malays fought the Chinese many years ago and the day I had my first exam.
Civic, ugh...I barely had enough time to complete it. I was left with 4 more questions when they said that the time was up. I scribbled with so much speed that I was barely conscious of what I was writing.
Then English paper 2. I wrote so much in the section A that the teacher gave me a fright when she announced that we still had 5 more minutes! I ended it quick and moved to my summary and literature.
And guess what? I wrote about 459 words in my A and I found out that I had 30 minutes more.
All in all, I think I fared badly.
~* *~
She says:" Where are you jumping to?"
He says:"Conclusions."

Monday, 12 May 2008

Yawn...I'm sooo tired... nodded off several times during Math class...
Sleep=my drowsy state/the teacher's boring voice.
And yes, I was ALMOST late for school. And I got caught for *long* hair. Oh puhleeze, at least I tricked the prefects(: I went to the *finger-nail* section instead of the hair sec.
Smart, right?
Sigh...exams starting's like..ugh...

~* *~
No part 3 yet today, nor for the rest of the week.

~* *~

Correct me if this sentence is incorrect:
The aged mistress of thy dwelling perimeters lacks an acquaintance with avowal cerebral perceptiveness.
Which is to say:
Your mother lacks intelligence.
John W.J.K

Sunday, 11 May 2008

My whole body is in pain. right up to my shoulders. Darn badminton.
Mum lost her diamond gold ring the other month, so I was wondering what to buy for her for Mummy's Day today. And I found the ring!! So I wrapped it up and gave it to her today(:
While she was unwrapping it, I whispered to my bro :"She's gonna say 'Aiyer!'"
2 seconds later...
Hahaha, so predictable. I bet that I'm the only 15 year old kid in the whole world who gave his mum a DIAMOND GOLD RING for Mummy's day!!
Do I get in the Guinness World Records or something?
Dad's going U.S tonight from Japan!! I haven't been speaking to him for a whole week!!
oh well, continuation:

RE: Desperation Part 2
As usual, the following contains violent, imaginative scenes which are totally NOT for small kids. It's somewhere up there with Stephen King's type of sick violence although not as good.
¡Ya está advertido!

~* *~
Terrified woman's perspective.
It has been a fortnight now since my terrifying encounter of Desperation. I still cannot believe that what occurred that night is reality.
~* *~
There had been reports. Reports of the mysterious serial killer whom by others justification, "Slaughters to save." The only identification anyone knows about this man is his (undeniably) pseudonym "Desperation." In the underworld side of the city, the name was sacred to them. Smiles would light up on haggard faces of those stricken by poverty as their hearts rejoice in their "Savior"'s name. The modern Robin Hood, they would say.
But the real question lies in why. Why was he doing this? Psychology, that's what he needed, scholars said. Housewives would spread rumors about about him. A woman must have broken his heart, they whispered, because surely no man would behave as such for any reason but the suffering of unrequited love?
The real truth was even harder to comprehend.
~* *~
Alaska, 1998 (10 years before)
A bitter combination of blizzard and gale were howling forbiddingly all around a pathetic camp out in the cold ice fields. The men inside were no better ; the tents they resided in were providing scarce shelter against the bitter elements.
Jack Bower, elite soldier of the U.S Royal Military Force was not discomforted at all. He had, in his training underwent such harsh conditions. Which was natural, considering that a recent military magazine,embarrassingly placed him 7th under the most dangerous men in U.S.
His current mission brought him and his team of elites to Alaska, where several renowned criminal syndicates were suspected to be dealing with highly unstable experimental drug. If proven true, his team had permission to "kill at will". The U.S hadn't the need to fear for their safety, they had dealt with similar syndicates before in the past, all proven successful.
The team quickly dissembled their tents and packed up with much haste, like a well-oiled team of machines.
An hour or so of an unstopping brisk-paced walk thereafter, they finally found the criminals' camps. It looked like any ordinary camp, with ordinary men casually walking about doing casual chores. But in actual fact, these "ordinary" men were serial killers, rapists, drug offenders of all sorts, sentries looking out after the perimeter but in a tense-casual manner. But then again, these were professionals.
~* *~
Sneaking in was easy enough, a tranquilized "camper" or two hidden away in a densely snow covered pine tree forest. Jack signaled his team to follow light footed as they scoured the lion ,or lions, in this case in their den.
A silencer bullet sped past.
"We're under attack! Run!"
One vital element, surprise was gone.
The team ran to the shelter of the pine tree forest. Out of the corner of his eye, one of Jack's team members saw a rifle wielding man aim his gun right at Jack's head. Swiftly calculating the 2 speeds and the distance, the elite member saw that his aim would be true, and he selflessly threw his body at the path of the bullet. It caught him dead center in the heart.
"He's gone, forget him."
One by one, the Jack's elite team fell dead. 40 something years of soldier experience saved him from the same fate. The snow was splashed in a crimson red, the results of a recent bloodbath. Shed blood from both parties...
~* *~
John W.J.K

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Whoo! I totally trashed my bro in singles today! TWICE!
And the doubles aren't so bad either. Won and lost once.
Then lunch +cendol(: and homeward.
Joseph ticked me off during the doubles so I soundly trashed him. (during the doubles!)
So there's a "normal" Saturday for you!
Time to write a horror story.

RE:Desperation by John W.J.K
The following contents are strictly PG-18 (Murder, gruesome imagination)

~* *~
Desperation. Part 1
Thunder boomed across the dark, rainy skies. In a dark alley, a group of men were surrounding a helpless woman, all of them grinning, their eyes showed only evil.
"Hey pretty baby, want some fun tonight? hehehe"
The terrified woman did not reply, being in the state of shock. She closed her eyes tightly, preparing for the unavoidable...
The group closed in...
~* *~
Every head snapped back. A silhouette was seen glinting against the clouded moonlight, on its base was the body of a man.
"Tommy!" A voice cried out.
"Get em' lads!"
7 grown men, each wielding an assortment of pistols, fruit knives, butcher choppers, daggers, staves and axes charged towards the profile.
Suddenly, it was gone.
The men stopped short. That was when a raspy, musty voice , somewhat similar to that of a rusty saw in use said:
"Leave or die."
"What is this? Ya thinks ye art some kinda Superman eh? Show some spunk and materialize!"
Even in these intense conditions, a few men managed to sniffle a chuckle.
"This is my final warning. You, (clearly directed to the man who just spoken) heed this warning or your entrails shall be torn asunder right out of your living body and spread for the dogs to feast upon."
"Try me, fool!" The man replied, although his voice shook a bit and laced with fear.
The man was no more. And indeed, the spoken promise was fulfilled.
The other men did the right choices, they ran. But alas, their speed were outmatched and soon, the ground was littered with the broken bodies of grotesque, unrecognizable features, both silent and bloody.
~* *~
The woman shrieked, so loudly that it outmatched the boom of thunder which had sounded at the same moment.
"Peace, I mean no harm." The figure appeared next to her, polishing a black knife. If examined closely, it was, in fact not black, but a deep shade of red. The remnants of the recent massacre. Instinctively, she scrambled to the safety of, however pathetic, a bunch of reed baskets.
"W-w-who a-are you?" Her terrified voice squeaked out through a basket over her head, her smallish frame hugging together as to lessen her mass.
"I call myself Desperation."
~* *~

Friday, 9 May 2008

Let me explain the map.
The red line is like, duude, the new road!! That road skips the 2 tolls and takes 1 or 2 minutes to get from BMC and BSL to the main highway.
AWESOME! But the- okay, wait. I"ll go into that later.

The light blue road is the current road we're using. Or FORCED to use. Freaking Grand Saga. We have to make a whole turn to get to the main highway.

The yellow road is the highway.

~* *~
5 years ago, the developer made the town and the road and everything. He promised that there will be a toll-free road so everyone started buying the houses there.
That's when Grad Saga came in. They started arguing because they would lose 2 towns worth of toll money. (Bandar Mahkota Cheras and Bandar Sungai Long)
And they requested that if the developer wanted to open the road, he had to pay 200mil to them.
No one in their right frame of mind would do that!
And the residents were absolutely dismayed. Not only did they already buy their houses, they had to withstand the traffic jam too! Everyday of their miserable lives.
Then, when the federal govt lost Selangor to the opposition, the residents started to look back on the history and all those stuff.
They found out that the road belonged to Selangor not the federal govt. So the argument started with G.S. They (G.S) was forced to let it go. But not without a fight:
BMC residents doused and gassed
Andrew Ong | May 9, 08 10:51am
The tranquil suburb of Bandar Mahkota Cheras (BMC) descended into chaos last night when police doused some 500 residents with water cannons and fired dozens of tear gas canisters into the crowd.

During the melee, Segambut member of parliament Lim Lip Eng and BMC Open Road Committee chairperson Tan Boon Hwa were allegedly assaulted by plainclothes police officers.

The incident occurred shortly after Lim arrived at the scene at about 10pm to lend support to the residents who had gathered at the Bandar Tun Hussien Onn intersection of the Kajang-Cheras Highway.

The highway concessionaire Grand Saga Sdn Bhd was in the midst of erecting a concrete barrier - for the third time - aimed at thwarting the BMC residents from entering the intersection and thus bypassing a toll booth on the highway.

This resulted in commuters having to travel an additional six kilometres and pay Grand Saga 90 sen toll for every trip [see Google map below].

At the time when Lim came to the area, the police were keeping a close watch on the residents who were gathering around Grand Saga employees working on the concrete barricade.

Lim had approached Grand Saga workers and the police to find out who was in charge of the construction work. After failing to get answers, he decided to remove the wires from the machines used by construction workers to weld the steel rods to reinforce the concrete barrier (left).

'I was maced, beaten'

Without the welding machines, Grand Saga workers withdrew, prompting residents to surge past riot police cordons and destroying the partly-completed barrier with their bare hands in a matter of minutes.

The jubilant crowd later tossed Lim into the air several times but the mood soured seconds later when the riot police issued warnings for the crowd to disperse.

Suddenly some 50 riot police took up attacking positions and there was a brief stand-off with the residents with only what remains of the barrier separating the authorities and the residents.

What followed was utter chaos when Lim tried to stop a water cannon truck from advancing by standing in front of the truck.

According to Lim, several plainclothes officers forcibly removed him and a melee ensued.

"They dragged me aside and sprayed mace on my face. I couldn't see. Then they punched me and kicked me," he told reporters about two hours after the incident.

His shirt was torn during the scuffle.

Selangor state executive councilor Ean Yong Hian Wah who was also at the scene told reporters that the Lim's beating only stopped when the police were told he was a parliamentarian.

Beaten in front of reporters

Lim, a trained lawyer, is a well-known figure among the residents as he has been serving as the legal advisor for the BMC Open Road Committee.

Meanwhile, committee chairperson Tan was among the crowd at the time of the fracas. Upon seeing Lim being assaulted, he rushed forward to aid him.

For his efforts, Tan too was allegedly assaulted and later arrested. Eyewitnesses claimed that he was punched at least once by a plainclothes officer in full view of a group of reporters and photographers.

Tan was bundled away in a police patrol car while a resident drove Lim and Ean Yong to a nearby clinic for medical treatment.

By this time, the police had already fired the water cannon once, but when it failed to break up the crowd, three rounds of tear gas were fired. The crowd eventually dispersed.

When approached by reporters last night, Kajang district deputy police chief Supt Toha Abdullah claimed that he was unaware of the police beatings.

He also said that the police had to disperse the crowd because they were "menggangu tugas keselamatan pihak polis” (interfering with police security duties).

In all, three residents and Tan were arrested.

When Kajang district police chief Shakaruddin Che Mood was contacted shortly after midnight, he said that the police had yet to decide what charges would be slapped on the detainees.

All four were released on bail early this morning.

According to Tan, as of 7pm today, Grand Saga had yet to re-erect the barrier and commuters are using the disputed access road without hindrance.

This kinda happened yesterday.
The G.S gave all those B.S about how it was dangerous without a traffic light so they closed it.
Ah well, dumb biased policemen, helping G.S when they were supposed to *take care of the security and peace of the nation*.
So today was pretty normal. dumb Kang Yao didn't show up so no cool gadgets for my PSP. I sent it to my cousin to work on it.
Ah well, badminton tomorrow.
And exams next week. shucks...
John W.J.K

Thursday, 8 May 2008

ohcrumbs! Jin Wu CRIED because he got his hair cut!!
And I enjoy tampering with my PSP, although I can't seem to go online...
I'm kinda excited about tomorrow,yet not. I'm finally finishing the PSP deal but then my projects...
PSP rocks!!!
Rocks more with the camera I'm getting tomorrow!!
John W J K

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

whee, 100 bucks for a PSP and a game~~
Gave me a heart attack when they conducted a spot check on 3T, though that they would do the same on us.
Anyways, I'M GONNA KILL YOU KANG YAO! Your freaking PSP is the OFFICIAL one! I want the PIRATED one!!
No, actually, an official PSP can only support an official game. No pirated. And 1 official game cost 150++!! And a pirated game cost around 5 bucks, see the difference? And the quality is the same. Now I'm forced to go to some crummy game shop and ask them to customize it. For a price, of course(:
I did what no student could: Finish my project in 1 day!
And dad's gone):

On the brighter side of things, my maths teacher wrote the F word on the white board(:
Really, she did. It was actually a question with a,b,c,d,e,etc etc as a choice but only 4 possible answers. Then it was (coincidentally) the f word.
Only later did I realise that there wasn't a "u" and "k" in the question.
Then...I forgot, hmm...oh well, I'm gonna go shock myself with the P.S.P(:

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

So much to write
Okay, so I had 3 and a half hours of free periods!! Insane.
Then after school, my mam had to go do some errand and left me waiting in the the middle of a busy road!! This guy was sounding his horn because our car was blocking his and my mam was still not there yet. So I did the most practical and insane thing, I DROVE.
Seriously, I went over to the driver's seat and pressed on the break, switched the gearbox to D and pressed the pedal.
Frighteningly EXHILARATING!!
Finally reached home at 10 P.M. Tired and stinky but had crabs for dinner, so who's complaining?
Sigh..Dad's going away for 2 months tomorrow. World trip thingy...
John W.J.K
p.s: I can't believe I DROVE!! Even if it's for a short while.

Monday, 5 May 2008

I came out early and I arrived late. what the crumbs!?
I wasn't late, technically, I arrived at 7.20, exactly.
But the #@$#@ prefect didn't let me go...
Wdv, I haven't the slightest idea what to write.
Ate KFC and showered super long and over.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Nothing special today. My bro drove us to a dim sum restaurant for lunch, with the whole family in the car!!
He drove super slowly...and couldn't park the car, so mam took over.
Frightening experience!
Found this...unique game.
Next to "register here", type 111111
John W.J.K

Saturday, 3 May 2008

I bought another book: Sabriel
And by buying this book, I'm cursing myself to buy the 3 sequels in the future.
And I'm half-way done with it.
The book cost 27 bucks(excluding a 20% discount)
My mam actually had an argument with the cashier about how the government were having a rebate and she got a 16 bucks voucher and her M.P.H card was just renewed and blah blah blah blah.
In the end, the book cost 7 (seven) bucks.
Then lunch with cousins and aunt. My dad did all the yapping while I just read and ate, ate and read, vice versa.
My distant grand uncle got killed in an accident. He was sick so he went to the doc and then he (dumbly~) crossed a highway! With all the speeding cars and everything, a motorbike hit him(oops, almost said "naturally"). Fatality came next.
Ironically, my distant grand aunt and mam were on the highway, wondering what the jam was all about. Mam and dad are going to the funeral later. I shall conduct a minute of respectful silence now:
John W.J.K

Friday, 2 May 2008

I know girls like to:
4.Talk more
5.Giggle more
6.Shop more
7.Seduce boys
9.Dress skimpily
10.Act cute
11.Chat online and offline
12.Go out with friends
14.Flutter their eyelashes
15.Read romance novels
16.Wear high heels
17.Ride fancy cars
18.Polish their fingernails
19.Leave their hair no shorter than shoulder length
20.Apply lipstick
21.Act mysterious


“Woah, man!”

~ Man on discovering Girls
“Very nice! How much?”

~ Borat on Girls
“67% of girls are stupid”

~ Human
“i belong with the other 13%”

~ Susan
Preceeded by such methods as fire and cold food, Girls are used in restaurants and homes around the world.

While some people advocate that the place for girls is in the kitchen (where they are most useful), others suggest that keeping your girl outside cuts down on clean up and reduces the overall hassle associated with owning and maintaining a girl.

Girls are good for preparing a lad a fine dinnerGirls were first discovered by Adam cooking apples beneath the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil . Due to their ability to radiate heat, girls were found to be useful in the kitchen and in bed. However, men became dissatisfied with the the primitive ver BETA girl 1.00 and its limited functionality. Girl 2.0 models are now created in laboratories in southern Spain. In order to accommodate their new functionality they have been designed to run on more energy-rich fuels, most notably money and credit cards.

Customer model girls used in the home are typically fuelled by either charcoal or propane. Commercial girls are typically fuelled by either propane or liquefied natural gas. Food cooked with propane girls tends to be less tasty, but is significantly faster to heat and prepare. As of first quarter 2005, General Electrics has introduced a new hybrid model, which is far safer for the environment. However, most users prefer the older models, as they are widely considered "fskin' hawt" in contrast to the newer models.

Prominent girl manufacturers include Weber and Coleman, Ford, Kikkoman, Kaiser Permanente, Panasonic, and George Foreman. Chainsaw Jack, former CEO of Sunbeam, lost his job for improperly booking sales of his girls to distribution channels.

Girl Germs


A girl is a human who is usually quite sexy or fat, well suited to live. They are species that usually wear panties, which males often find insanely arousing. Girls are sometimes high maintenance (but usually aren't). It was once believed that a girl was basically a mutation of a boy, only a lot weirder (according to Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes). But that theory has since been proven false. They also seem to have mounds of fatty tissue on their chests, which men think are absolutely GLORIOUS!!!!!!! A girl's real main use is to give female company to a man (usually for marriage's sake). Unfortunately, girls eventually morph into a less likeable creature know as women. There ... you've been warned. A girl is also known to be used as a sex tool and as another species after the process known as marriage.

Girls consist of at least 30% spice, which can make them extremely hot.

The rest is mostly sugar (which makes them sweet and fun to eat) although for calorie-reduced diets sucralose and xylotol may be substituted, but not aspartame, as this makes them hazardous to one's health.

Those with diabetes are doomed to die of them (unless the diabetic has one with a sugar substitute).

When mixed with water they may be excited to a state known as wet, however this state is unstable and decays back to regular state with a half-life of 18 minutes, emitting various forms of insanity in the process, the most common being a single SEXY SEXY COZY POOL FUN MOMENT!

Important Information
You will never get girls. Your friends will get girls and brag how great they were whether in bed or making out with. You will want to get girls so you can have sex and not be a Star Wars nerdy virgin the rest of your life. Too bad. Girls like famous guys with nice cars and lots of money, not fat ugly nerds with bacon and barbeque sauce stains on his sweatpants.

Your best bet is to go look at porn, which has been proven by very smart scientists to be 87% less needy than girls, and 113% more emotionally fulfilling. Also, midget porn has been proven to make you immortal.

Girls and the Real World

A recent study conducted by Aubrey de Grey in April 2006 concluded that girls have absolutely 100% industrial value. His abstract stated that men are no more important overall. Here are qualities that are required of both men & girls (YOW WOW!):

Hard workers
Don't bitch about stuff
Actually accomplish things
Opening bras
Screw this, I give up! Girls are not like this. They are just the OPPOSITE
Can shoot lasers out their eyes

Girls shooting lasers out of their eyes.Ambitions
Most Girls dream of becoming women. Few ever dream of becoming men. They also want to own ponies, become ballerinas, become doctors, become fashion models, or become Miss America. Only some never reach these goals, including becoming women. Their dreams have mutated into a FEMINIST right movement that have gained them an ALMOST equal status.

Another common ambition among Girls is the desire for the Super-Mate, a mythical creature who is clean, ruggedly handsome, wealthy, and , as declared by Susan B. Anthony, "Not Too Grabby." Upon entering adolescence, the average girl begins her long hunt for the Super-Mate, a task that is deeply ingrained into their GiNA (Girlyriboneucleic acid). Unfortunately, the gene that triggers the Girl's desire for the S.M. is not left over from the early stages of the species' evolution, when they could have high standards and still find an acceptable mate. In the modern world, however, the existence of a Super-Mate in the ecosystem is only ever the result of a genetic mutation that occurs due to one of the subject's progenitors being exposed to any form of Splenda for prolonged periods of time.

Despite the absence of their preferred species of Mate, the adolescent Girl will go to great lengths to appear desirable to the Mate through a number of methods which are also ingrained in their genetic code. Early on in the bizarre ritual known as Puberty, Girls with the ability to do so will enlarge their own breasts with mind powers. Girls who are unable to perform this task are said to be "Unloved by God" and are forced to use tissues or over-the-counter pharmaceuticals.

Eventually, after years of hunting for the Super-Mate and finding only chubby Naruto fans, the majority of Girls become Women and abandon their quest, having become bitter and bitchy, and having developed an addiction to feline dander, compelling them to surround themselves with housecats and John Grisham novels.

A Fun Tidbit

Teenage girls often mutate in this form.Girls love to change dirty diapers for some reason. The prettier the girl, the more likely she is to want to change your diaper. Try it! Go into a room filled with pretty girls when you've wearing a diaper, and make it obvious how dirty and smelly your diaper is. Make your diaper all poopy and messy and smelly and stinky and slimy, and watch them fight over who gets to change you. It works! This is how I get my diapers changed!

(Few users are aware that Right Guard's amazing success at luring women is due to the fact that it smells like dirty diapers.)

Plus it feels so good when a pretty girl cleans my peepee! That's why I always make sure to fill my diaper with smelly poop so she has to wipe all around my peepee to get it clean! It even makes my peepee stand up!

Mathematic Properties of Girls
It is a well known fact that girls can be broken down mathematically, using the following:

Girls don't poop.
Well, they poop. But only flowers come out.
Except for the girls who wear diapers. Those poop.
They don't fart either.
Well when they fart, they fart perfume.
Except for the ones that... well, you know.

Other Definations:
Asian chicks
Picking up chicks
Big girls
Essex Girl
Girl Scouts
Highschool girls
Magical girl
What a girl wants
Why do women study Women Studies Mystery
Estrogen Syndrome
Woman and Women's Suffrage
Hot Chick
Some French chick
Your mom

Taken from Uncyclopedia

Love me or hate me?

^ tres hilarious(:

I think some of my beautiful hair just turned snowy white. My brother was driving the car!!! Horrid experience.

Our teachers are getting more and more vulgar. Ramesh said the F word as if it was the most casual word in the world.
And art, we drew these stick men. ugh, what does STICK MEN have to do with ART!?
And our K.H teacher didn't come!! Three cheers!!

And I'm going out for luncheon with my cousizzes tomorrow at...Novotel K.L something.

Yeesh, Juin Yao, please do not try to be something you're not. He went ice-skating only ONCE and started blabbering about how he was all thisthisthatthis. Seriously, it took me MONTHS to get used to it and he's bragging after ONE day. How thick is he anyways?
And he started on how he was a professional roller skater. Thick-headed dimwit. He's DAFT. His ramblings are clearly immaterial and nonsensical. I bet he fell on his first step when entering the rink.
Oh well, can't blame the lower-classed citizens. As in LALAs. How can you enter a Quiksilver shop with 50 bucks in your pocket!? HE achieved it.
John W.J.K

Thursday, 1 May 2008

No school today!!
Joy to the world.
So I was at my cousin's party just now. ahem, BABY cousin.
So yadayadayada, I got a massive overdose of Lemon Ribina. ugh..
Then when I went in the car, I announced that nature was calling me. Urgently.
And my cruel bro and dad started talking and singing about water and making those "shh shh" sounds.
Okay! Day's done.
Good Night!
John W.J.K

The final number is 325.
And I hereby declare Labours Day, the end of April, the beginning of May, the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer. And I hereby decree that the blog called "Once Upon A Spring Night" be renamed to "Once Upon A Summer Light."
"I, John, author of Once Upon A Spring Night, hereby decree that whatsoever stated above be fulfilled. I do this by blood and bone and contest, out of truth, in testament, and against all trouble."
Delightfully fun. Don't believe a word I just wrote.